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Entrant: Colenso BBDO, Auckland
Brand: Skinny Mobile
Title: "Skinny Phone It In"
Corporate Name of Client: Spark New Zealand
Client Company: Skinny Mobile, Auckland
Client Company Domain Chapter Lead - Brand Marketing: Ally Young
Client Company Social Chapter Lead: Frith Wilson-Hughes
Client Company Customer Marketing: Jamie Tait
Client Company Legal Counsel: Michelle Van
Client Company Corporate Communications: Sam Smith
Client Company Content Marketer: Shane Coleman
Client Company Performance Marketing Strategist: Janine Casas
Client Company Performance Media Specialist: Amber Zhang
Client Company Digital Trust Partner: Lydia Tebbutt
Media Company: PHD Media, Auckland
Media Company Account Manager: Lara Winmill
Media Company Creative Integration Lead: Amanda Paleski
PR Company: DRUM, Auckland
PR Company Business Director: Chie Hemsley
Agency: Colenso BBDO, Auckland
Chief Creative Officers: Simon Vicars/Levi Slavin
Executive Creative Director: Maria Devereux
Group Creative Director: Hadleigh Sinclair
Copywriter: Callum McDonald
Art Directors: Charlotte Upton/Léon Bristow
Agency Head of Art: Dave Brady
Agency Head of Production: Scott Chapman
Agency Producer: Anna Flaws
Agency Head of Technology and Innovation: Logan Maire
Agency Studio Manager: Jeremy Lavich
Agency Creative Retoucher: Reks Kok
Agency Mac Op: Maddy Price
Agency General Manager: Lucy Grigg
Agency Account Executive: Thomas Billi
Agency Senior Account Director: Jono Fellet
Agency Account Manager: Elsi Gibbs
Agency Planning Director: Amy Pollok
Agency Client Lead Partner: Emma Carpenter
Agency Business Lead: David Bowles

Skinny is a New Zealand mobile company with a track record of saving customers money through smart and thrifty advertising hacks. We understand that when Skinny spends big money on advertising, it’s their customers that ultimately pay the price.​

The brief was to create a low-cost, interactive campaign that furthered Skinny’s mission to keep prices low while making the product (mobiles) integral to the idea.​

Celebrities charge millions of dollars to be in ads. Skinny doesn’t have millions of dollars. So, to bypass expensive voice talent and pricey recording studios, Skinny launched ‘Phone it In’, a low-cost campaign that open-sourced radio scripts via out-of-home placements so Kiwis could record them on their mobile phones, for free.​

Hundreds of Skinny radio scripts were published across the country. From standard placements like billboards and regional newspapers, to takeaway coffee cups, bar coasters, movie screens, early morning TV ad slots, social media, and a street poster blitz. Each script was written to be contextually relevant to its location, creating bespoke radio executions.​

Above every script was a call-to-action that included a free-to-call-number that took callers to the automated ‘Skinny Radio Ad Recording Service’ (which is essentially an answering machine). From there, the recordings were given the trademark Skinny mnemonic and dispatched as radio ads.​

What we ended up with was a nation-wide out-of-home campaign that doubled as a radio campaign that became Skinny’s most effective recruitment campaign ever.​

2,560 radio ads were recorded by ordinary New Zealanders, equating to 22 hours of content that didn’t cost us a cent to record.​

Skinny acquisitions went up 34% year-on-year, while in the same period, churn went down 26%.​

65% of calls came from Skinny’s competitors’ customers.​

Over three years of consistent brand building activity, we’d shifted Consideration from 35% in 2018 to 41% in 2021. Just 6% in four years. Phone It In shifted it another 6% shift… in just two months.