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Entrant: Colenso BBDO, Auckland
Title: "Adoptable. By PEDIGREE."
Corporate Name of Client: Mars Global Petcare
Client Company: Pedigree
Client Company Global Brand VP PEDIGREE: Fabio Alings
Client Company Global Marketing Manager PEDIGREE: Mehgan Recker
Client Company LATAM Dog Portfolio Manager: Rodrigo Alferi
Client Company Digital Demand Director: Bianca Malcolm
Media Company: Essence Mediacom, Auckland
PR Company: GRC Partners + Porter Novelli , Auckland
Agency: Colenso BBDO, Auckland
Agency Chief Executive Officer: Simon Vicars
Group Creative Directors: Hadleigh Sinclair/Duncan Bone/Kimberley Ragan
Creative Director: Haylie Craig
Creative Director - Art: Tim Thach
Creative Director - Copy: Isabel Snellen
Agency Designer: Stella Wilson
Agency Innovation and Transformation Lead: Nico Hume-Ainsworth
Agency Senior Programme Director: Clare Bone
Agency Head of Integrated Production: Charlotte Glennon
Agency Lead Integrated Producer: Anna Flaws
Agency Head of Technology and Innovation: Logan Maire
Agency Head of Digital Production: Tennille Barnes
Agency Intermediate Digital Designer: Flora Zhou
Agency Digital Design Director: Sonya Milford
Agency Lead Digital Producer: Elle Kiddie
Agency Digital Designer: Casey Chan
Agency Retoucher: Reks Kok
Agency Senior Mac Op: Tias Somers
Agency Mac Op: Bri Russell
Agency Studio Manager: Serena Fountain-Jones
Agency Managing Director: Angela Watson
Agency Managing Partner: Natalie Downes
Agency Chief Strategy Officer: Rob Campbell
Agency Group Strategy Director: Martin Bassot
Agency Strategy Director: James Tucker
Agency Data Strategy Director: Emma Tait
Agency Account Manager: Darcy Ellis
Agency Senior Business Director: Jane Cathcart
Digital Company: Nexus Studios
Digital Producer: Evi Nathanaili
Digital Technical Director: Vegard Myklebust
Digital Companies Co-Founders & CCOs: Chris O'Reilly/Charlotte Bavasso
Digital Company Executive Producer: Jason Bartholomew
Digital Company Head of Production, Experience Design: Colin Davis
Digital Company Technical Lead: Patrick Hearn
Digital Company Studio CG Lead: Fabien Glasse
Digital Company Animation Programmer: James Bouckley
Digital Company AI Treatment & Comp Lead: German Diez
Digital Companies 3D Generalists: Eder De Suza/Lucas De Miguel
Digital Companies Creature Sculptors: Alexander Lashko/Stefan Brown
Digital Company Groom: FC Studio
Digital Companies Riggers: Nayla Nassar/Niko Rossi
Digital Companies PR & Marketing: Nancy Edmondson/Alyaa Ridha
Digital Companies Resource Managers: Pheya Tribelsky/Ben Tanner
Production Company: Nexus Studios

In 2008, the PEDIGREE Foundation was established by Mars Petcare & PEDIGREE to drive dog adoption. Since then, they have made it their goal to end pet homelessness by 2050, ensuring every dog finds their forever home. ​

However dog homelessness has continued to grow, with 12 million dogs currently sitting and waiting in shelters around the world. With a problem so huge, making another ad about adoption wasn’t enough. Instead, we made every ad Adoptable. ​

Partnering with Nexus Studios, we’ve developed a bespoke AI system that can transform a single image of a shelter dog into studio quality photography. This 'glow up' image is then mapped to a CGI rig, allowing the photo-real double to be positioned in any pose to suit any piece of PEDIGREE creative. ​ ​ Adoptable places local shelter dogs into the ads you see, and when that dog is adopted it’s instantly dropped out of media rotation. Using geographic and 1PD data such as proximity to parks or average household size, the shelter dogs were shown in media placements with proximity to their shelter but also suitability to audience and area. ​

Audience data was also used to create dynamic copy with specific messaging relating to location, time of day and interests of the consumer. For example, commuters on at the end of the day say digital posters featuring a shelter dog with the headline, “Going home? Can I come?”. Each ad’s QR code took the viewer to a personalised landing page where they could learn more about the dog they just saw, and arrange to meet them. ​

Now every digital outdoor ad PEDIGREE runs – from brand to retail – is also an ad for a shelter dog. Allowing 100% of PEDIGREE’s media budget to not only bring their products to the world, but take shelter dogs to the world, too.​ ​ We’ve seen a significant uplift in the likelihood of adoption for dogs who have featured in an Adoptable asset, versus their original picture taken by a shelter. ​

Shelter site visits: 6x increase in traffic and profile views for featured dogs​

4.5 x longer dwell time on the dog’s profile once on the site​

50% of featured dogs adopted in first two weeks​

12% more likely to adopt when the adopter comes into the shelter site via an Adoptable asset​