Press Releases Winners Excel Statues/Logos Purchase Awards

Regional Design Company of the Year: South America
Circus Grey, Lima

Experiential Design

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Entrant: Circus Grey, Lima
Title: "Sightwalks"
Corporate Name of Client: UNACEM
Client Company: UNACEM, Lima
Global Chief Marketing Officer: Gabriel Barrio
Chief Marketing Officer: Claudia Rivero
Client Head of Brand Marketing: Maria José Arredondo
Senior Client Brand Manager: Camila Acuña
Client Strategist: Fátima Armacanqui
PR Company: LLYC, Lima
PR Company General Manager: Daniel Titinger
PR Company Account Manager: María Inés Jiménez
PR Company Communications Director: Diana Terán
PR Consultants: Andrea Fallaque/Gia Solf
Media Company Content Creator: Alessio Martínez Moreno
Media Company Media Analyst: Sergio Urday Orejuela
Agency: Circus Grey, Lima
Agency Chief Executive Officer: Gabriel Schmitt
Agency Creative Chairman: José Rivera y Piérola
Agency Chief Creative officer Grey Latam: Manir Fadel
Global Chief Creative Officer: Diego Medvedocky
Chief Creative Officers: Piero Oliveri/Charlie Tolmos
Agency Executive Creative Director Grey Brasil: André Gola
Executive Creative Director: Gonzalo Aste
Group Creative Directors: Percy Rocha/Miguel Ucañán/Luis Cusicanqui
Creative Directors - Art: Daniel Muñoz/Francisco Ayras
Agency Global Producer: Emiliano Alvarenga
Agency Head of Production: Vanessa Gómez
Agency Executive Producer: Kathy Santillana
Agency Digital Designer: Manuel Vidarte
Agency Social Media Director: Rodrigo Castro
Agency Content Manager: Jimena Zerga
Agency Global Craft Partner: Costanza Rossi
Agency Global Head of Creative Excellence: Maru Sokolowski
Agency Global Senior Creative Manager: Catrina Ramos
Agency Senior Account Executive: Magaly Falla
Agency Account Executives: Lorena Gómez/Yessica Ordoñez
Agency Account Supervisors: Lizet Gonzales/Vanessa Graham
Agency Senior Account Director: Vanessa Ortega
Agency Planning Director: Nicolás Rodríguez
Agency Chief Reputation Officer Grey Latam: Florencia Kessler
Digital Company: Apoya, Lima
Digital Directors: Estefanía Chumpitaz Cevallos/María José Peña Palomo
Digital Producer: Rubi Medina Martinez
Digital Designer: José Bojorquez Calle
Production Company: Rebeca, Lima
Production Company Chief Executive Officer: Sandra Goicochea
Directors: Mario Angulo/Álvaro Luque
1st AD: Ducelia Woll
Production Company Assistant Director: Thais Comitre
Senior Executive Producer: Alejandro Noriega
Executive Producers: Lucho Vargas/Maria Teresa Benvenuto/Anita Quiroz/Vanessa Piaggio
Producers: Eduardo Guerra/Pierina Ravizza
Line Producers: Gianella Bellido/Camila García
Director of Photography: Didac Saez
Production Company Camera 1: Mario Bertocchi
Production Company Camera 2: Alonso Gutiérrez
Production Companies Production: Nathalli Maguiño/Neisle Manrique
Production Company Architectural and Designer Consultant: Luis Torres
Production Company Production Assistant: Ana Pau Quintana
Production Company Account Supervisor: Cynthia Salcedo
Production Company Account Executive: Mariana Castro
Post-Production Company Supervisor: Beto Barzola
Post-Production Company Editor Offline: Fernando López
Design Companies Editor & Post Producer: José Avellaneda/José Pacheco
Design Company Modelado 3D: David Vega
Recording Studio: Agosto Music & Sound Craft, Lima
Head of Sound: Claudia Incio
Sound Designer: Charly García

Cemento Sol has been committed to providing the best cement for all Peruvian families.

Its long-standing commitment to Peru drives the brand to improve the quality of life for all, offering solutions that make living experiences more inclusive and welcoming for each person, while contributing to the development of cities and the country.

Sol firmly believes that quality construction, supported by the best cement, can positively transform the lives of all people, especially those most in need.

We designed a new tactile signage system that improves the current one.

This is a new vocabulary system that allows visually impaired people to recognize exactly what type of basic services or business is in front of them just by tapping the sidewalk with their cane.

Using the same pattern as the universal system, a horizontal bar on the sidewalk indicates a tile where vertical lines can be counted, each number of lines means a category of commercial venue.

Thus, if the person tap a line, in front of him there is a restaurant.

If he taps two lines, there will be a bank.

Three, grocery store.

Four, drugstore, and so on.

These sidewalks are implemented throughout Miraflores, the busiest district in the country, and allow blind people to find the places they are going without having to ask other people for help and move around with complete independence.