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Creativity In B2B
B2B Craft

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Entrant: Buentipo Anchor, Bogotá
Brand: Cerveza Poker
Title: "Imagine with Petacos"
Corporate Name of Client: AbInBev Colombia
Client Company Chief Marketing Officer - ABInBev Colombia: Álvaro De Luna
Client Company Marketing Director: Mariana Ca?rdenas
Client Company Brand Manager: Eric Bernard
Client Company Platforms Core Manager: Santiago Díaz
Client Company Project Manager: Lina Barajas
Client Company Productor Specialist: Mónica Sanin
Agency: DDB Worldwide Colombia SAS, Bogotá/Buentipo Anchor, Bogotá
Agency CEO - DDB Worldwide Colombia SAS: Xavier Serrano
Agency President & CCO - DDB Worldwide Colombia SAS: John Rau?l Forero
Agency Managing Director - DDB Worldwide Colombia SAS: Javier Ducuara
Agency Chief Creative Officer - Buentipo Anchor: Joffre Carmona
Agency Creative VP - DDB Worldwide Colombia SAS: Juan Carlos Chaves
Agency Creative VPs - Buentipo Anchor: Christian Tufano/Juan Valero
Agency Creative Director Head of Art - DDB Worldwide Colombia SAS: Javier Soler
Agency Creative Directors - DDB Worldwide Colombia SAS: Brenda Jácome/Charles Andara
Agency Creative Directors - Buentipo Anchor: Francisco Jimenez//Luis Amaya
Agency Head of Art & Aesthetics - Buentipo Anchor: Rigo Abello
Agency Chief Experience Officer - Buentipo Anchor: Quimet Brugues
Agency Executive Producer - Dragon Fly: Tatiana Olivera
Agency Edition & Motion- Dragon Fly: Nicolas Fuenmayor
Agency Chief Executive Officer - Buentipo Anchor: Jose Mendoza
Agency Account Executive PM - DDB Worldwide Colombia SAS: Maria Alejandra Go?mez
Agency Account Director - Buentipo Anchor: Mauricio Álvarez
Agency Managing Director - Buentipo Anchor: Jacobo Álvarez Sandoval
Agency Strategy and Social Media VP - DDB Worldwide Colombia SAS: Juan Isaza
Agency VP Planning - DDB Worldwide Colombia SAS: Adriana Pineda
Production Company: PRIMO
Production Company Director: Director
Production Company Executive Producer: Executive Producer
Production Company General Producer: General Producer
Music Production Company: DC Producciones
Music Production Company Audio Producer: Diego Cáceres

Corner shops are an essential part of the Colombian economy. It's estimated that there are more than 500,000 throughout the country, responsible for 52% of the sales of everything that is consumed nationally.

They are important not just for what they represent in neighborhood dynamics but also for all the families that depend on their economy.

According to research, only 4% of them have the resources to equip their stores with the necessary furniture to give customers experiences worth staying longer, having fun, and thus consuming more.

That's why Poker, one of the leading beer brands, used a resource that was already there:

the PETACO, an essential object for beer distribution in Colombia where the most common consumption method is in returnable bottles.

Inspired by a fully modular design system, IMAGINE WITH PETACOS sparked the creativity of shopkeepers to transform beer boxes into functional furniture that adapts to any space.

From tables and chairs of various sizes to entertainment areas like scenarios and DJ sets, games for friends such as billiards, foosball, and even basketball courts, we turned stores into entertainment hubs, enticing friends to stay longer at stores.